Inclusive Tourism Services

—Milpa Alta is the first gay friendly nature tourism route in Mexico City that brings together the best of the rural area that includes Milpa Alta, Tláhuac, Xochimilco, Altos de Morelos and the East of the State of Mexico. Gathering the best of the culture, the traditions, the gastronomy and the natural beauties of the towns of the south mountain, offering you a unique destination in which you can have fun and enjoy with your partner, family or friends.

We have different circuits


Discover the magic of ancient traditions such as traditional medicine, herbalism, temazcal baths and NAHUATL, a world full of spirituality and peace where you will be guided by expert shamans, traditional doctors and healers of the region to help you heal, The mind, the spirit and the body. At the same time know your Nahual and consent to our beautiful nature

Health and Family

Having a duration of approximately 4 hours in Mexico City we will take you to our ecotourism center.

We will explain you about traditional medicine; We will perform a basic cleaning with interpretation; All about which is the temazcal and types of cures. You will have anti-stress therapy in the temazcal; Reflexology of feet, hands and back, head and neck massage, to finish
Traditional lunch in the style of Milpa Alta!

The big family

Set aside a day to pamper yourself in Milpa Alta. You will arrive at our ecotourism center. We will explain what the living pharmacy consists of. You will have a ceremony to the four elements, your prayer of healing and your clean staff with interpretation. You will make an awareness walk to awaken all your senses. You know the temazcal. And last you will have

Milpa High style food!

Mystic Camp

Spend a weekend coming to our ecotourism center, set up your own camp and accompany us on a sensitization tour, where you will arrive at the ceremonial center. You will live a ceremony of the four cardinal points, we will make a prayer of healing, like the prehispanic tradition of the Aztec culture, you will have your clean personal and harmonization. Scenes in the traditional style of Milpa Alta. And in the morning you will start a great day with your temazcal session. You will know that the pharmacy is alive and does various activities before you return home.

Milpa Alta Amigable. fb/milpaaltaamigable @AltaLgbt 044 55 2279 1028
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